Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

Have the best day you can with the People that you love

To kick off father’s day weekend, we traveled down to Davis, Oklahoma for a boys baseball tournament. My son did not play the spring baseball season because we wanted him to concentrate on his reading skills. He got a call from a local team asking if he would like to be a “pickup” player for their last tournament of the summer. He was excited to be back playing baseball again.

Wyatt likes baseball but I don’t know if actually loves baseball. When I was that age, I loved playing baseball. I am envious of his attitude in the sense that not much gets him down. If he strikes out, he forgets about it and doesn’t let it affect his next at bat. He truly enjoys being on a team and is a great teammate.

The tournament and the time with family made my weekend. I couldn’t help but to think of my own Dad on this weekend too. I miss him. I lost him to cancer about 6 years ago. Losing a parent is tough. These are the people who love you no matter what and have your back. You make other relationships in your life but you only have one Mom and Dad. Becoming a Dad, has been great and I hope that I can repay the life lessons my parents gave me to my kids.

I hope that everyone had a great Father’s day weekend. It is a special day. To me it is not about gifts but about getting to spend time with my kids.

What’s going on at TuttleHandyman.com?

Well, I am still plugging along. Each Monday, I make a checklist with things to do and then spend the rest of the week trying to accomplish those tasks. This week, I will be working more on the website and looking at procedures to form a LLC. I didn’t put to many tasks on my to do list this week since I am heading to Texoma to fish the weekend with friends. I am tentatively planning to launch the business in the late July or August timeframe.

The more market research that I do, the more I see a need for this type of business in Tuttle. I think that the business will be as successful as I want it to be. I cannot wait to see how this unfolds and to get to the business of helping people. I am anxious to get the opportunity to meet my customers. Did I mention that I am excited!

What’s going on in the World?

Water is Essential

Everything seems to failing at the same time. Food, gasoline, our military, the country’s morals, the country’s borders, and even water to name a few. Wait what? Did you say water? Maybe not here in Tuttle but nation’s water supply is under stress. Lake Mead, the lake that feeds the Colorado River is going dry. It is dropping at a rate of about 5 feet per month. 2 of the 3 water discharge pipes have been exposed and no longer pump water. This water source supplies water for about 40 million people in the southwest United States. If this ship is not righted urgently it will displace a lot of people and it will affect Oklahoma through migration. I have heard that at the current depletion rate it will take about 30 months for the last discharge pipe to be exposed. That’s not much time and Las Vegas and California don’t appear to be trying to mitigate the situation. Of course this will all be blamed on climate change but it in the end it was cause by people wasting water on their front lawns.

Our Food Supply

Water isn’t the only thing being depleted, food is starting to become scarcer too. I went to the grocery store on Saturday and guess what they were out of? Hamburger buns! How in the hell do you run out of hamburger buns on Father’s day? I guess hamburgers are a more popular choice this year due to economics. Here lately I’ve seen the peanut butter and jelly area at Walmart dwindling in supply. A lot of people are trying to eat cheaply.

The World Food Supply

Article about food supply issues in China

As you can see in this article, there will be worldwide food supply issues. My advice is to prepare now. In North America we are having issues with fuel and fertilizer which will affect yields. The African/European breadbasket is being affected by the war in Ukraine. In addition, India is not allowing any food exports. They see a catastrophe brewing and are preparing for it. Three major farming areas will be producing less food. How much less? That’s the million dollar question. Just know that every year we have people starve to death because of lack of food and that is in the best of times.

Get Ready for War

Some people are saying that World War 3 has begun and most people aren’t perceptive enough to know it. A huge power shift has occurred and aligned in the East. Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia appear to be aligning. These three countries are working together. They don’t seem to respect the Western Countries anymore.


I think that things have been set in motioned that will not be stopped by you or me. You cannot prevent what is coming. You can only prepare for it. Prioritize your efforts. Acquiring storable food and planting a garden are good places to start.

We will talk more about this as it unfolds. Hopefully I am wrong and the world rights itself. Let’s pray for that. Take care.

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Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]


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