Hurricane is Coming?

Hurricane is Coming?

Financial Hurricane

Jaime Diamond, the CEO of JP Morgan, opined that you should brace yourself for the upcoming economic hurricane. The President of Godman Sachs said that “the confluence of the number of shocks to the system to me is unprecedented.” Elon Musk sent a memo to his executive staff calling for a hiring freeze and to cut staff by 10% due to “a superbad feeling about the econonmy.” For us layman, we can sense that something is wrong with the economy, our country, and the world.

What should we be preparing for? Upcoming food shortages have been announced by many pundits and even the President. The price of wheat and other commodities have risen to alarming levels. These commodity rises are being felt at the gas pump and the grocery store. If we Americans are feeling the crunch, then the third world has to be panicking.

How Can We Brace Ourselves?

As with any complex emergency, one should look at all the threats and address them one by one. Start with the most imminent catastrophic threat and work to the lowest minor threat. I cannot go through all of the World’s problems in this post, but I will focus on the “gators closest to the boat”.

Upcoming Food Shortage

The food shortage is real. The World works on a 90-day food supply. That means that if food production was halted today, then the world would eat down to the last morsel within 3 months. There must be continuous food production to sustain the 7.9 billion people on the Earth. Once that food runs out, people will get desperate and start doing desperate things. I suggest you get prepared ASAP. If we are wrong and there is plenty of food, then you can just eat your stored food in your daily diet. No money lost. If a food shortage does hit, then it will give you time until you can figure a plan out.

Another thing to consider is to start growing your own food to supplement the amount of food that you can acquire on the economy. This process takes time but will pay dividends overtime. Be prepared for a learning curve, and to learn from your mistakes. Gardening takes skill and that skill is acquired through practice and learning.

I have built raised gardens in my backyard to grow corn, okra, lettuce, cucumbers, and squash. In future posts I will weigh my harvests and equate that to what I would have to pay at the grocery store. It will be interesting to see what that comes out to for each square foot of garden space.

Upcoming lockdowns

Dr. Fauci admitted in the above video that it is a matter of principle to reverse the mask mandate. They want to preserve the authority to institute another lockdown via mandate. In the last lockdown this looked like reduced travel, a renter’s moratorium, mask mandates, and business shutdowns. As they say, fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice then shame on me. You should be preparing your household and your business for survival through possible upcoming mandates. Right now, monkey pox is on the horizon. Experts are saying that monkey pox has a way lower transmissibility rate than covid. That said, don’t miscalculate the government’s ability to exercise its authority to lockdown homes and businesses.

How Can Help?

We can help with gardening projects like raised gardens, tilling/planting, and garden consulting. We can jumpstart your gardening ambitions and help you start growing food quickly. Have you ever built a composting station? We do that too.

For businesses, you have to have a virtual component to your business to help hedge against government interference. There is no better time than now to create a web page or revamp an aging webpage. You are only limited by your creativity. I love building webpages and love working with people. Most webpages now a days are cookie cutter, built oversees, and have no face-to-face customer service. If you decide to give us an opportunity to help with your business, then you are going to love the support that we provide.

Stay tuned for more posts that keep you up to date on our services and what is going on in the World. Thank you for reading this post, I hope it was helpful.

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Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]


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