I’m Back

I’m Back

I’m blogging/posting again! A lot has happen since I last posted and I have been busy. The world has been busy too. I will talk about both. I will start with what is happen in the US and the world abroad.

The Great Reset

How is the Great Reset going? It’s hard to tell. I don’t know exactly what the elites’ benchmarks that were set forth when the Great Reset kicked off. It’s difficult to say exactly when the GR officially began. For our purposes, I would say that it began when the SAR’s covid 2 virus was created and released. I am fairly certain that most serious people (including intelligence angencies) agree that this virus was not naturally formed by bats, pengulus, or a combination of the two.


The hot war of WWIII (Ukraine) seems to have a shift change this week. It is hard to say who is actually winning. Up until this last week, most sources admitted that Russia was making significant gains. This week, pundits are saying that Russia will admit defeat and look for a diplomatic solution. This is a dangerous time because escalation is probable. I base this off the attempted bombing of Alexander Dugina, the successfull car bombing of the Russian Colonel, and other bombings. It’s hard to say how this play out but I don’t think it is good for either side. Let’s continue to pray for peace in the region and world as whole.

Covid is Over…right???

Since I last talked to you, we have had a small rise in covid cases. It appears to be subvariant of the Omicron variant. Oklahoma county is determined to be in a high threat assessment. This means that on Federal installations, masks are back to being utilized. It’s weird, there is a separate reality on Federal installations. On non federal property, about 1% of the people are wearing masks. No one is concerned about it but on federal property you will get “a talking to” if you dare not wear a mask. It’s madness.

The Purge has begun

The FBI is harassing the pillow guy…lol. At a Hardy’s drive through. You cannot make this stuff up…I dare you to try. So what does this mean? A full weaponization of the national security infrastructure has begun. There seems to have been a deliberate connection of the 911 terrorists with the Jan 6 protestors. It’s laughable.

We are all Americans. We have to stop this immediately. We have to somehow turn this train around because the destination is terrifying. Unfortunately, I don’t see many people working to lower the temperature. All I can say, is take care of yourself and your family. Do the best you can to help friends and strangers too. You never know, you might be that person that needs help one day.

Florida Vacation

feeding a giraffe
feeding a giraffe

Well we made it to the Magic Kingdom and Universal Studios Florida. It was quick trip but really fun! We were able to stay in the Pensacola area and enjoy the area. We visited the zoo in Gulf Breeze, went to the beach in Navarre, and cruised through Destin.

On my trip down there, I kept my “handyman hat” on. It’s amazing how bad of craftsmanship that I see daily in business. There seems to be no attempt to make their work esthetic. Here is an example:

Bad caulk
Bad caulk

Look at these caulk lines. You can make a caulk line effective and esthetic. It is not that hard but I am astounded on how much I see this quality of work. Here is another example:

More bad caulk
More bad caulk

Really?? What was this person thinking? Did the business owner/manager even check the work? I can promise you one thing, my work will never look that shoddy. In fact, I take pride in the work that I do. I couldn’t in good faith charge the customer for work like that. Business owners need to understand that having a neat restroom reflects on the business. If the business is cutting corners in the bathroom, are they really on the up and up when it comes to cooking my food? Details matter.

How is Tuttlehandyman.com going?

Well it’s going. I surprised even myself with my success in building this business. My website is up and running. I am ranking well on Google, Bing, Duck Duck go, and Yahoo. I connected my website to Facebook and Yelp. I am being found. I’ve had really good success with old school marketing…signs. I got my sales tax permit, insurance and hooked up to take credit cards. I am in a fight with Apple maps to list me, but I am confident that I will win that fight.

I’ve done my first job and it was a success. I believe that it will lead to repeat business. I just keep trying to good job and everything else should take care of itself. I am averaging about an inquiry per day. That’s about perfect at this stage while I am trying to figure things out. At some point I will need to hire some help.

If anyone is readying this and wants to know what it was like to start a business. I can tell you that it was fun, exciting, tedious, boring (at times), challenging, and easier than I would have thought. If you have been on the fence thinking about starting a business, then I want to encourage you to try. If you need help, feel free to reach out to me. I like helping others. A rising tide lifts all ships.

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Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]


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