“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”

– Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

The world is changing fast and if you are not aware, then you can be harmed by the changing environment.  In my blog, I try to highlight the high points for the week with TuttleHandyman.com and the world.  Use this information at your own discretion and pass it along to those that might need it. I still have my website closed to the public and I know that I am the only one reading these posts.  Shortly, I will launch this website and my information will be available to everyone.  I am writing this stuff now to build content, to practice writing, and to establish creditability.

This Should Concern You


35% of business could not make rent in the June month.  Over 50 percent expect to close their doors in 6 months.  Even the big businesses are struggling.  Tesla, Meta, and Google all are under hiring freezes.  Small businesses provide most of the jobs in the US and drive innovation. 

Sentiment is at an all-time low amongst Small Bussinesses owners.  Labor, access to credit, energy prices, and sales are all distressed. Businesses will need to lean up to make it through this environment. 


People are hurting now and more people will be stressed in the near future.  Please pull together and help people if you can.  Take care of your family first but do what you can to help your community.  You might need help from someone in the future….you never know.

The Costco CEO sat a lot of people are in a recession.   He says a lot of people are making rent and buying gas.  He said the middle class and upper class have more discretionary spending but they are hurting too.


Are These Politicians on Crack (or fentanyl)?


This is getting ridiculous.  Our country is hurting.  Our military needs attention.  We cannot continue to feed money into a war that is unwinnable.  We can only mitigate Russia’s intentions.  The more money and weapons that we pour into the region, the more likely that risk provocation with Russia which could lead to broader war.  Maybe that is what the Neoconservatives and Neoliberals want, but most Americans do not want to be involved in a European conflict.

Look Out Farmers!


The green new deal is being implemented all over the world.  Unless it is checked, it will be coming here too.  The greenies want us to consume less meat and burn less gas.  This will be devastating to the world.  People who have never created anything are making energy policy for the World.  This will lead to riots and unrest.  It is very predictable and can be prevented.  Get ready for those chickens to come home and roost.

Yeah, But What’s Happening at TuttleHandyman.com?

This week we filed formation documents with the Oklahoma.  We have drafted an operating agreement.  Our official name is: TuttleHandyman.com, LLC.  Exciting stuff!  Next agenda items will be EIN number and bank/credit account.  The business building process has been fun and interesting.  This was my first business and if I can do it then anyone can do it.  I know there is more work to be done but I am making steady progress.

Next week I will be on the vacation.  I am driving to Florida.  Wish me luck.  We will be hitting Pensacola and Orlando.  It will be a quick trip but should be a good time. 

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Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]

Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]


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