We All Need a Little Help

We All Need a Little Help

Picking up my Son from his Reading Program

For the first part of the summer, my son is attending a summer reading program at Tuttle Elementary to bolster his reading skills. He has been having a good time with it. A smile is presented to me when he gets in the car. He is a super smart kid but he needs a little work with reading. His strength and love is math. Probably what you would think being the progeny of two military pilots.

TuttleHandyman.com will be there to provide help

Just like the summer reading program, I envision TuttleHandyman.com will be available to provide you and your family the “little help” that you might need. Our lives get so busy that things do get dropped through the cracks. Even at my own house, I have projects that need to be gotten to. Tuttlehandyman.com is being designed to come in help you pick up the slack. This goes for business too. We can help start a business, design/revamp your website, or just paint a door…or wall.

What’s going on at Tuttlehandyman.com

This week we have several items on the agenda. It’s an ongoing process to build a business. Website development will be ongoing for the next couple of weeks. It’s a very tedious process that leads to hundreds of tweaks. We will be looking at advertisement mediums, mainly business cards and yard signs. Google, and other search engines, rank webpages for certain preferences. Our business doesn’t necessarily fit into their preferred mold so we will have to create organic traffic to our website. Additionally, I need to check on other business expenses like professional liability insurance and cost to incorporate.

What’s going on in the World

Yesterday, Justin Trudeau introduced legislation to ban sales for handguns in Canada. Our President discussed his disdain for “high caliber” ammunition like 9mm. There is a push to ban firearms in the world. If you don’t know, I am pro 2nd Amendment. The right to self defense is an inalienable right handed down to us from our creator. The government does not have the authority to take a way a right that God gave to us.


I don’t think that anyone could more eloquently frame this issue than Joe Rogan. The main issue going on in America today is a mental health problem. This has been exasperated by covid, the lockdowns, inflation, and the left/right paradigm. I pray for my family and this country everyday.

In Closing

In addition to building this business, I have to do my regular job and normal family duties. It’s not easy but nothing worth having is created easily. I hope to strike the right balance so nothing gets dropped. My family needs just as much maintenance as my home…or car…or boat.


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Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]

Michael Hilton

Founder and Owner

(405) 362-6710

[email protected]


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